Friday, January 27, 2012

What the future holds *mushy*

The other night, 
husband and I snuggled in to talk before we fell asleep.

He then proceeded to tell me about our future. 
All about our modest blue house a few hours away from Yosemite,
where we climb, camp, hike and swim
 Our wrap around porch where we eat during the summer,
echoing with the sound of the bare feet of our three children,
 with one on the way...
our big grassy back yard, little box gardens
and a giant oak tree in the front yard
And our seven rabbits, each named after the seven dwarfs, 

"Dopey is more of a giant puffball than a rabbit though," he says as he plays with my hair; "he is your favorite"

We also have a pygmy goat that just roams the back yard, his name is TinCan.


Could my heart hold anymore?


  1. You may be surprised at how much your heart can hold just wait til you start popping out those little ones- the kids, not the rabbits ;)
    Love this and love you!

  2. This just totally melted my heart. :)
