Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Busy buns

It was very nice stealing away a couple of hours to go get our climb on a few days ago. It has been surprisingly busy (mixed in with long bouts of lots of low-productive-feeling things to do). 

The man is up and out at 5:30 in the morning, 5:30! That is a horrible time! I, as a non-morning person, feel that the hours between 2 and 7 should be lumped together and slept through as much as possible. I putt around and try and get wedding stuff done, get rejected from jobs, fill out applications anyway (I"m such a trooper, I know) and most of all miss him and wish I could just sit and jabber his ear off all day long, but I generally can make it to 3 when he comes home...exhausted.

He was a trooper though and let me drag him around to all the craft stores in the Spokane area to get decoration items, we even managed to squeeze in a trip to the post office mere minutes before it closed. We ended the night with some much needed snuggling and napping.

I love this man, have loved this boy, so much. Its nice, although surreal to have him.

and can we just get a what, what for the beard?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Vandalism and Trespassing...or how he proposed

I met Russell in high school, as I have before mentioned on this blog, we were high school sweethearts
(I still like calling him sweetheart!)

Russell asked me out on a date, we hadn't been on a date for a little while because we had both been so busy...so we went to HuHot Mongolian grill and had ourselves an awesome dinner.
(We concluded that you can't really knock a Mongolian Grill for not tasting good, because you're the one mixing up the food)

He had told me a couple days earlier that he had gotten something for me but he didn't have it yet and that it would more than likely be part of our date, but that it wasn't my engagement ring. 
(Ok, ok, so now I admit that the boy has taken his sweet sweet time with the ACTUAL proposal)

After dinner he realized he had forgotten something so we went back to his house and I saw him run into the kitchen and grab something then come back out. We then headed towards Liberty Lake. I had had a feeling that the surprise had something to do with going to some part of Liberty Lake, as we headed towards the county park I realized that he had run back into the kitchen to grab a pocket knife so we could re-carve our initials in the tree we had attempted to so long ago.

Luckily the gate was still open, so we held hands and walked over to our tree. I traced out the heart and letters then we each took turns making either side of the heart permanent (yes, I felt a little guilty about carving up a tree like some punk kid, but we are just rebels I guess) 

We held up our phones alternatively to light our work, as we were carving we saw a couple deer a short stones throw away from the tree we were sitting in. We also thought we heard someone walking towards us so we froze and covered our lights. We are pretty sure it had just been another deer so we finished our work.

We admired our handy work and hopped down out of the tree where Russell gave me one of his classic little boy smirks and wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. We stood there for a moment until he whispered:

"Can I ask you a question?"
*wait, didn't he say he didn't have the ring....he said he won't propose without it, could he?...*

Then he got down on one knee, at the roots of our tree, and he asked me to marry him. He slipped a little silver circle around my finger and I said yes. He explained that my actual ring was still being made (he picked out all the parts to it! So excited to see it!) but that he couldn't put off actually asking me to marry him any longer, so he got this little silver band for the time being.

I stood there with my face pressed into his neck, not believing what had just happened. After a while we decided to go back to the car before we got in trouble with a ranger or got locked inside the park.

On the way back to the car it finally hit that he had just proposed to me! and that I had said yes and that we were getting married in less than a month! AHHH! We giggled to ourselves all the way to Wal-mart where we bought two Diet Dr. Thunders to shake up and explode in the street by his house...because that is more than likely what we would have done in high school.

Its so fun to be a kid, but also to be an adult with him. I love that I have known him as a friend for so long and that he will now be my husband!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

High School Sweetheart Revisited...

I feel like I know this man like the back of my hand...well seeing as I don't think anyone is specifically familiar with the back of their hand, I feel like I know this man like the back of a hand that I actually know REALLY well.

We met when we were 17, but didn't start hanging out right away. He sat in the opposite corner of the room during seminary and the moment I saw him walk in with his baseball cap (who knew that was something I was so attracted to? Weird.) on, I knew that I was going to be friends with this boy.
He once told me that his first impression of me was that "one girl who liked to bare her testimony about grass and flowers, but like it was cool". As I got to know him better I decided to start hinting that I liked him...

Cue standing on a light walk-bridge over lake Couer D'Alan on a chilly night and me turning to Russell, looking him straight in the eye and saying:
"Don't freak out"
*unzips sweater and wraps herself inside*

To dissolve my pending chagrin, he hesitated for only a split second and then wrapped his arms around me.... and he has held several special places in my heart ever since.

Now, with the somewhat closely pending six year mark of knowing each other, of being friends, of dating, of being distant, of being closer than we ever thought possible; we are getting married.

It felt incredibly surreal taking engagement pictures with him...filled with blatantly stolen moments where he made me feel dizzy and entirely swept off my feet. 

This man is my best friend. I've never believed in soul mates perse, but I can't help but feel there was some custom tailoring going down when we were created, because in every way we are a perfect fit.

Friday, September 9, 2011

...an epic day date

The other day, I got to spend ALL day with this awesome, patient, forgiving, attentive, kind, handsome, quirky, funny, amazing guy:

(don't be deceived by the fork, we ate everything pro-style with chopsticks...more effectively on my part after he informed me I was holding mine upside down...ahem..)

He came over in the morning and picked me up for breakfast at his house.
(French toast with powdered sugar, yes please!)

We made cookies, checked out the chickens, saw some friends out at Minnihaha, and got some AWESOME sushi.

Let me just tell you, I have never considered myself a fan of sushi, but this stuff was good.
And it is official (sorry, 6 yr. old self...) I like shrimp!

After our early dinner we ran some errands and ended up at a historical little park for us, we attempted to find our initials we had carved in a tree back in high school using a BIC pen, but to no avail. 

It was a fantastic day altogether. He is so attentive and does so much for me to make sure that I am happy and taken care of...it felt really good to be able to take him out to do something special. (Thanks Groupon for the awesome sushi deal! If you haven't been there, check it out!)

Honestly....that guy, he amazes me.