Sunday, September 22, 2013


It has been a busy month!
I left Zion on a stormy weekend and headed down to Arizona to start getting things settled for our big move. I found our apartment and the day we went to sign the papers, it fell through. Bummer.

However! We found a much better apartment and signed the papers. We move in on Monday. 

My oldest little brother, Jaron, and his wife had a brief commitment ceremony in Mesa for her family, which we attended then headed home for Zion. 

On our way home, literally in the middle of nowhere, raining, no lights, we found a man sitting on the side of the road with a broken shoulder and a broken motorcycle. He had lost control and skid off the road. Aside from his shoulder he was totally fine. We waited with him for several hours as his tow truck came. 

We spent an all too quick weekend together before my family came through on their way up to Idaho. I rode up with them to attend Jaron and Hannah's sealing which went beautifully. 

I fly home tomorrow and can't wait to see my husband and pup, I'm so excited!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Finding Hope in Transparency

I've struggled with infertility for a little over 5 years now.

I have somewhat mentioned this, alluded to it, and even gone into detail for those who have asked. Over the years, I have found myself reaching out to people in the same situation--searching out people through blogs, youtube, online communities and forums, etc.

Time after time, I run into posts or threads that I relate to, but are years old. 99% of the people's channels I find on youtube are now currently posting "How to decorate your nursery 101" videos.

At times I am nearly convinced that I am the last infertile woman on earth! 

So, in hopes for finding hope, providing hope, hoping for hope, what have you...I'm going to be a little more transparent here on the blog with my journey, some past experiences and maybe a venting session or two, we'll see. 

so, from here on out...
Fertility Fridays

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sewing in small spaces

Working at the Costume Shop has spoiled me rotten.

When I try to sew in my small (see >200 sq. foot) home, I get fidgety and frustrated. Everything seems to take three times as long and it always seems that I run out of the thread, interfacing, fabric, or needles that I need.
Living an hour and a half away from the nearest fabric store also puts a damper on my ability to bounce back from an "I-can't-doooooo-this-anymore" meltdown.


After much struggles, pinpricks and alterations....

I ended up with 2 dresses, 1 veil/head piece and a happy bride to be.

(more pictures to come)