Monday, September 17, 2012

I haven't kicked the bucket...

I've just been crocheting. 

Okay, really I've been doing a whole lot of nothing. 

But since my leave from productivity ends Monday (the end is in sight!!)

I've decided to keep my fingers busy until them with my FIRST EVER crochet project aside from accessories.

A super simple shrug.
I'm doing it in Lion Brand Homespun 412 Pearls. 
It's an off white/faint tan and wonderfully nubby and soft.

In other words, it snags on my crochet hook every chance it gets. 
No matter, the bigger the piece gets, the more scrumptiously soft it feels.

....and honestly...
the closer I feel to my Aussie-home made-knitting-baking idol Jorth
Someday I'll be as amazing as she is at all of this yarn work!
hopefully :)

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