26 goals for the 26th year of my life:
So, every year I set a list of goals I would like to accomplish. A goal for every year of my life, and one for the year I'm working on.
Here goes:
1. Grow our family. Yea, I said that out loud.
(Please note: this is still a goal, and not an actuality yet!)
2. Graduate from college...finally.
3. Train Hueco through the first levels of puppy school.
4. Learn how to reupholster.
5. Go sledding.
6. Take family pictures.
7. Have a fully decorated home.
8. Find a job pertaining to what I went to school for.
9. Sell 10 things I make (whoa! Dream big!)
10. Perform something on stage.
11. Buy a camera.
12. Climb a 5.10 without hanging.
13. Do a solid yoga headstand.
14. Run a 5k and get a shirt!
15. Make home made yogurt
16. Eat less processed food, more home cookin!
17. Not eat at a fast food joint more than 10 times
(embarrassing that that has to be a goal for me!)
18. have 100% visiting teaching!
19. Make a piece of art for my home.
20. Take Russell on a super epic date.
21. Eat at the Space Needle.
22. Swim in the ocean.
23. Sleep under the stars.
24. Week long backpacking trip.
25. Call my brothers and sisters more.
26. Study the Book of Mormon cover to cover.
Its going to be a great year!!
I love your goals and I know you will accomplish them with that wonderful determination of yours! I love you sweet girl. :)