Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bountiful Baskets

We woke up bright and early this Saturday morning to go and pick up our first ever bountiful basket. 

We had no idea what to expect, but we were surprised by the length of the line waiting to pick up their produce. I think there were more people because they were offering a flat of strawberries for $11.

Since it was our first time, we had to pay a small ($3.50) fee so our total came out to $19.50, but from now on it'll be $15.

We got:
3 bunches of broccoli
about 1.5 lbs string beans
1 pineapple
1 mango
1 baby watermelon
4 tomatoes
2 cucumbers
3 lbs of apples
green cauliflower
6 bananas

Not a bad deal for $15!


  1. So cool! I need to get more into local food. Sounds like it's not that expensive and at least you know where it's coming from ; )

    1. Its (sadly) not local, you can pay an extra $10 for the organic basket too, if you like. I used to do a local thing that had awesome vegan bread and a dairy product in it each week along with the produce, those are usually called CSA or community supported agriculture boxes. Bountiful baskets serves tons of places though!

  2. Is it farmers market? I love those, i cant wait for more of them to open up around here.. :)
