I am getting married in 3 days!!
3 DAYS!!!
So on day three of this wedding countdown, I realized that I hadn't even started any of the skirts for my sisters. (Well, except my one biological sister :/ but I know she'd be here if she could)
Soooo...on to making 5 skirts. TODAY!
(yes, like a goober, I sewed over that pin)
Mama Gordon and I found some AMAZING green jersey at Joann's, it feels soooo good, it actually makes me want to sew with it. Its so soft and drapey. Makes me miss sewing all the time!
Here are the finished outfits for the sisters, I (obviously) didn't make the shirts, but they were only $6 at Walmart (bravo Walmart, bra-vo)
I'm working on making some more of the yellow flowers to embellish/accessorize the outfits, I don't want to glue/sew them onto the shirt in case the girls don't want them on there later so I'm just going to put a back on them and put them on some brooch pins, or bobby pins, or hair ties, whatever one it is they want. :)
Here is the finished outfit (minus embellishments) I had to try it on! (Big mistake seeing as the jersey is so, so, swingydrapeycomfydelicious, now I want one for myself) Since everything is really casual, the girls can accessorize everything to their own taste, the skirts can even be worn at the waist or the hips.
None of the pictures have the true color on it, which is a bummer but guess you'll just have to see us Saturday at 7 to check it out in real life!
(We'll give you cupcakes :))