Wednesday, December 7, 2011

oh yea...

Remember when I caught up on all those back-logged blog posts?

 I guess I forgot to mention I turned 24...
Next stop 1/4 of a century!

In case you missed it...

In case you found yourself otherwise engaged on the night of October's a  bit of what you missed.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Being the Gordons...

We have been so busy lately! Cue a bombardment of back logged blog posts.

Since we came back from our honeymoon we have:

Moved into our apartment.
Unpacked all of our belongings.
I started working at Mountain Gear (10 feet from Russell, which is really nice!)
Bought a car and named it Jebby (temporarily)
We've attended our new ward (which we love and are sad we will only be in for a short time)
Watched the Lost Carols which Katie, Amy, Connie and some family friends all participated in.
Had an amazing Thanksgiving at the Gordon home with everyone there!
We (thanks to Mom/Dad Gordon) went and saw the Trans Siberian Orchestra as an early Christmas present.

Lots of big and awesome changes going on, and every single one made better by the fact that my love and friend is with me every step of the way.


 Halloween was pretty low-key and fun around here. We carved our first pumpkin as a married couple and went to a ward trunk-or-treat party, where we huddled around a fire pit, drank watery hot chocolate and voted on different chili's-all dressed as rock climbers (mostly because we forgot to dress up and had our harnesses in the car.)


We started off our honeymoon in Leavenworth, where we revisited a little cheese stop we had found back in high school and picked up some awesome cheese for dinner and a picnic lunch for our hike/climb the next day.

Disregard how blue and cool the picture looks, it was actually fantastically sunny and warm. There were even a couple of places were the rocks were so warm that we laid down and sunbathed on our way up to climb.

You can't tel from this picture, but the leaves on this tree and many others were bigger than both my hands spread out and put together. The colors were so gorgeous on our little hike!

We went to the aquarium where they had these awesome overhead tanks lit with skylights and swarming with various fish.

View from the top of the space needle! It was chilly and a little windy but amazing.

My favorite place that we stopped/went to was Pike's Place Market, we watched the famous fish throwers and sampled lots of tasty things. Our goal was to find Baklava, which we did and it was amazing! I was awed by all the colorful produce and the gorgeous (and surprisingly inexpensive) floral selections.

The gorgeous long stemmed dahlia Russ bought for me.

We went on an hour long harbor cruise and learned some interesting facts about Seattle.

View from the harbor tour boat.
We stopped by the Science center where they had a perfect little serene butterfly garden. They had a window where you could see all the cocoons, it was cool to see some of them twitching and beginning to open.

My phone (which we were using as a GPS) was dying so we wrote down the directions to Leavenworth on our take out boxes from the angry dog (aka Molly's in downtown Spokane)

Taking in the view. It was so quiet up where we were, we didn't see another soul the whole way up or back.

Russell, living out his honeymoon dreams and gearing up for our first attempt at a multipitch. (Our first attempt together, he has conquered the feat many turns out I don't like following so much!)

We had so much fun at the science center, there were tons of little kid things to play around with.

I know these pictures are all out of order, but I don't feel like moving them around at the moment.  It was so much fun (although entirely surreal) to spend all week in Leavenworth and Seattle with my best friend(/husband!) It was actually sunny and warm for the majority of the week, it only rained on our last day there.

We almost ate at the space needle, but chickened out because of the price, instead we rented a red box and ate pad thai in our hotel room. Just as good :). Maybe we will make it back there for an anniversary :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Living with Russell...

(I can't get over the adorableness embodied by the fact that he colored in the little heart exclamation. *swoon :}*)

We are just abot settled in our little apartment, all we need is a table and chairs (and I'm convinced, a rug.) then we can decorate the walls and call it good.

It has been such a blessing living with, waking up to, talking to, cleaning with, snuggling, reading scriptures and just loving on my best friend in the entire world.


October 15, 2011 at about 12:30, I married my best friend in the entire world.

I have no words, how can one articulate a full and happy heart?

(Check out more of Stephanie Linn's photography talent, especially if you are in the Spokane area!)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cupcakes and Connie

We are having green cupcakes!! Ahh! Can I just tell you how happy that makes me? Well, it does make me hap-hap-happy!

After much taste testing and color coordinating, we decided on a green key-lime flavored cupcake with an overly-generous whoopee of cream cheese frosting on top (key-lime cheesecake anyone?)

My amazing mother-in-law-to-be has been baking these all days, test running them, and being generally phenomenal. I'm so lucky to have such an amazing woman to get to know and spend time with....

The fact that Russell totally got his laugh from her doesn't hurt either. :)

I love this family! I'm so excited to be a permanent part of it.

3 days to go...

I am getting married in 3 days!!

3 DAYS!!!

So on day three of this wedding countdown, I realized that I hadn't even started any of the skirts for my sisters. (Well, except my one biological sister :/ but I know she'd be here if she could)

Soooo...on to making 5 skirts. TODAY!

(yes, like a goober, I sewed over that pin)

Mama Gordon and I found some AMAZING green jersey at Joann's, it feels soooo good, it actually makes me want to sew with it. Its so soft and drapey. Makes me miss sewing all the time!

Here are the finished outfits for the sisters, I (obviously) didn't make the shirts, but they were only $6 at Walmart (bravo Walmart, bra-vo)

I'm working on making some more of the yellow flowers to embellish/accessorize the outfits, I don't want to glue/sew them onto the shirt in case the girls don't want them on there later so I'm just going to put a back on them and put them on some brooch pins, or bobby pins, or hair ties, whatever one it is they want. :)

Here is the finished outfit (minus embellishments) I had to try it on! (Big mistake seeing as the jersey is so, so, swingydrapeycomfydelicious, now I want one for myself) Since everything is really casual, the girls can accessorize everything to their own taste, the skirts can even be worn at the waist or the hips.

None of the pictures have the true color on it, which is a bummer but guess you'll just have to see us Saturday at 7 to check it out in real life!

(We'll give you cupcakes :))

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

One hand, and not all the fingers

Today is October 11, 2011....

this means I am getting married in...

4 days!!!

That's not even utilizing all the fingers on one hand!!


Home, sweet home.

This is the apartment complex Russ and I get to come home to.

These are the stairs we will walk up to get to our home!

This is the little living room we will sit and cuddle and chat and play board games and have friends over in!

Here is the door people will open only to realize it's the wall of a chimney from one of the units downstairs, and the door to the bedroom and the kitchen.

This is the cute little kitchen and pantry that I will be making my love breakfast in!

If its not obvious enough, I am one happy girl. One happy girl that gets to live with her best friend in one super adorable apartment! We get to sign our lease on Thursday.

(If only for 2 months!)